Goodness gracious, great balls of fire

Scientist Looks to Weaponize Ball Lightning | Danger Room from

Gotta love scientific mysteries, especially when they account for so many UFO sightings and could be part of a secret military weapons program...

This one works like a smoke ring of high-energy "magnetoplasmoids"
"Koloc called the weapon "Phased Hyper-Acceleration for Shock, EMP, and Radiation" -- PHASER.

"It can be used for a range of purposes from stunning personnel to destroying the functionality of electronically operated devices, smaller rockets, vehicles and packages that represent an immediate threat to the United States," he wrote. "This dial-able PHASER weapon can be set on 'Stun' or dialed down, selecting a non-lethal level for persons needed for later interrogation... One mundane application for law enforcement would be the disruption of the engine electronics to stop vehicles that would otherwise be the target of a high-speed chase. Dialable versions of the PHASER will be available for use in civilian encounters."

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